Spread the Joy Week Prompt From Singledust: A Warm Blanket

left human injected with hose on white textile
Photo by rawpixel.com on Pexels.com


In response to Singledust’s Spread the Joy Week: Go Dog Go Cafe :

I work in a place that is terrifying. It is cold, sterile, bright, and noisy. In the dark of the night there are noises and beeping and sometimes even sounds of those suffering. Sleep is interrupted. Everything is uncomfortable including the bed underneath us. There is one person that might make a difference. Holding our hands, calming our fears, easing our pain. And in my belief, give us a warm blanket. A warm blanket in a hospital is worth a million hugs. Sometimes all we need is a warm blanket.





20 thoughts on “Spread the Joy Week Prompt From Singledust: A Warm Blanket

  1. the warm blanket is absolutely like a hug, I work in a hospital and see the faces relax in such comfort when we cover them, you wrote this with such tenderness and love. Thank you for responding to the challenge!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. the simple things in life mean so much, I wanted exactly this from the prompt, I will be opening up the post to link in a while, just getting coffee and my head cleared after a long night.


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